Road to healing


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Did you know that we have 65,000 thoughts in a day, and most of them are negative? Day after day, we operate on autopilot, repeating the same negative thought patterns. But did you also know that despite thinking we’re in control of our lives, we’re often not?

From the moment we’re in utero until about seven years old, we operate in what’s known as the theta brain wave state, the same state that allows us to be hypnotized. In this state, we lack critical thinking skills, accepting our experiences without judgment, good or bad, essentially programming ourselves without conscious awareness.

The longer we remain unaware of our programmed state, the more our lives become a series of simple data collection. For some, like me, coming from a family with its own brand of dysfunction, this data collection can be particularly challenging. Growing up in a lineage marked by instability, I’ve had my
share of crazy experiences.

It wasn’t the kind of crazy that lands you in a strait jacket - though looking back, maybe it should have. It was the kind of crazy that falls under the label of dysfunction, a label we like to assign when trying to make sense of things. But assigning meaning to our experiences can be both a curse and a blessing.

Throughout my 54 years of life, I’ve collected a myriad of experiences - some inspiring, some harrowing, all shaping who I am today. I share them, not to dwell on the past, but to show no matter your circumstances or the programming you’ve received, you have the power to shape your destiny.

I believe our greatest power lies in our ability to choose. My journey of self-discovery began at a tender age, marked by instances that questioned my sense of safety and belonging. At four, I witnessed venomous exchanges between my grandparents, wondering if I, too, was at risk.

By age eight, I found myself caught in the emotional turmoil of my parents’ tumultuous relationship, and at ten, I faced my grandfather’s violent outburst, armed with nothing but a steak knife and a determination to survive.
These early experiences laid the groundwork for a lifetime of navigating trauma and uncertainty, each event adding another layer to the complex tapestry of my existence. But amidst the chaos, I discovered a source of solace and strength: physical fitness.

Introduced to the world of bodybuilding, I found sanctuary in the gym, sculpting my body as a means of reclaiming control. But as I learned, true power comes not from physical prowess, but from the courage to confront our inner demons.

Despite outward appearances, I realized that true health and happiness stem from within, requiring a commitment to self-care and introspection. It’s a journey I continue to this day, guiding others on their path to self-discovery as a transformation coach.

My road to healing was not without its obstacles. At 39, I faced the devastating loss of my younger brother, a tragedy that shattered my world and forced me to confront the fragility of life. His untimely death sparked a quest for answers, driving me to seek truth and justice in the face of overwhelming grief. But amidst the chaos and heartache, I discovered that true healing begins with acceptance and forgiveness. In the wake of tragedy, I found redemption, transforming my pain into a source of strength and resilience.

I am a testament to the power of resilience – to rise above adversity and embrace life’s challenges with courage and grace. The road ahead may be uncertain, but I face it with a sense of purpose and determination. With each step forward, I become a better version of myself.

by Cindy Legare

Cindy Legare is a revered MindSh*t to Powerful MindSHIFT specialist, who empowers individuals to transcend their limitations, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of self and a renewed sense of purpose. With every client she guides and every life she touches, Cindy exemplifies the boundless potential of the human spirit, proving that within every struggle lies the seed of transformation, waiting to blossom into the fullness of one’s true potential.

Coming soon!

Issue 16
Fall 2024


Artist: Sonya Schwartz